Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Reflection on TWC

Technology and World Change ended with its last lesson (12th session) but I am sure that what we have learned and discussed will continue to come up in our every day lives.

Initially when starting out this course I knew little about both technology and change. All I knew was that I used technology on a daily basis and that it was always changing. The extent of work and energy employed into making new technologies as well as the potential for the future of technology was neither something I knew about nor was concerned about. The course enlightened me on various new technologies and the many possibilities for the future.

I hope what I have learned in this course will stay with me and the knowledge gained will continue to grow in the coming years. Hopefully, when I'm old and gray I can look back to this course and say that I knew that technology would increase at such a vast rate. That I knew that we were heading for a more green and sustainable future.

Thus, with the conclusion of this course I know that what we have learned and the journey that we have been through will help us grow as individuals. So, I would just like to conclude this post with a thank you to all the people the made this class as beneficial and interesting as was. So, thank you to prof, Cynthia and every single person in the G13 class. Wish you all the best in the future and thanks for all the contributions in class :)

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