Thursday, 8 September 2011

Outline - Social Networking and its Impact on Society

My Individual Topical Review Paper Outline :)
I hope that it is okay...

Specific Innovation of Interest
The innovation that I am interested in is social networking (Facebook, google+, etc...). In the paper, I will focus on FaceBook as the main social networking site with brief additional information about other social networking sites. The affects of social networking can already be seen amongst the younger generation and, now, also in the older generation. It can be said that this innovation will continue to affect our world whether positively or negatively.

Rationale for Selecting Innovation
How it has influenced the world already...Both positively and negatively
- Positive Affects:
+ We are now able to keep in touch with people who are miles away from us (strengthen relationships)
+ In a sense, we create our own "villages" where everyone on our Facebook page is somehow linked to us
+ We have the ability to be creatively expressive. We can post, essentially, whatever we want on our Facebook sites
+ People with common interests are brought together
+ "60 million Americans received help with major life issues" --> means that they get advice from people on Facebook
+ "59% of students with access to the internet report that they use social networking sites to discuss educational topics" --> beneficial for learning
+ Social networking allows people to remain informed on current issues --> e.g. people often learn about something through a posted article or an updated status
- Negative Affects:
+ People often end up spending more time in there online world than in reality
+ The issue of privacy --> we have become an open world where everything we do is known --> could potentially be dangerous (and there have been situations where it is dangerous)
+ Facebook and other sites have no way of knowing if people who have accounts are actually who they claim to be
+ Cyberbullying --> people are more confident when not face-to-face resulting in cases of cyber bullying
* 2009 --> 17.3% of Middle Schoolers have been said to be victims of cyber bullying
+ Hours of face-to-face interaction has decreased
+ Possibility of hacking, identity theft, etc...

Executive Summary
- Discussion of what is to be discussed
- Define what is social networking & gives the main affects of it nowadays
+ Briefly explain how people are often dependent on it and how it helps build large networked communities
+ Emphasize that it is still affecting our society in ways that cannot be seen yet --> social networking started with us so what about our kids?
- Discuss how with what is seen now we cannot say that the affect of social networking is either positive or negative

- Discuss Social Networking as a whole --> how it only became a big think during this generation
- Timeline of social networking --> e.g. first introduced to those who are in there 20's now
- Brief explanation of the different social networking sites
+ MySpace, Facebook, google+, Linkedin, etc...
+ Focus on Facebook as paper is meant to be centralized on Facebook

Historical Perspective
- Before we would often loose touch with people
- Small network of people
- Slower means of communication/knowing what everyone is up to
- People valued the times they had face-to-face communication with there loved ones
- It was not common for families to be separated for long periods of time
- Once you left your friends after high school to pursue education elsewhere it was rare for them to keep in touch

Current Situation
- Easy to keep in touch
- People build large networks of friends/contacts
- People are constantly on social networking sites
- Influence on school & work --> distraction by Facebook + other sites
- Lose of reality --> people often focus on Facebook sites rather than talk to those in front on them
- Privacy is no longer controlled --> we live in an era of open communication

Future Considerations
- Haven't gone through a full cycle with the introduction of social networking sites
+ Only started being commonly used around 10 years ago, thus, we do not know the affect it will have on our children
- Possible speculation:
+ Children who lack social/speaking skills in person as they are to used to the online world
+ Focus based on social networking rather than actual networking
- Emphasize that future implications are merely educated guesses

- Reiterate what has been discussed
- Highlight that overall affect is positive --> larger social networks/not loosing in touch
- Must be smart about how we use social networking sites as they can be beneficial or destructive to our lives

References (So Far...)



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