Monday, 26 September 2011

Lesson 6

This Lesson focused on the theme:
1) The BioBusiness Revolution: Healthcare and Biomedical Sciences (Past, Present, Future)


We started the lesson with an inspiring quote by Albert Einstein:
"There are only two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle"
This quote is inspirational as it applies to both a world outlook on life as well as a technological outlook. In terms of the world it refers to how we can see life as either "half full" or "half empty". So, we either appreciate everything we see in our lives or we be negative and are anti everything we see. In relation to technology, this kind of attitude of seeing everything as a miracle can lead to new innovations. People who see the world positively are more likely to succeed and create important new innovations. I found this quote particularly interesting as it helps us understand the type of attitude that can benefit our futures as well as contribute to the world around us.

The Healthcare Revolution

The healthcare revolution is particularly interesting as it has benefitted our world immensely. Before our countries were affected by common diseases such as the cold but, now, as we get more and more industrialized we are affected by what seems to be "man-made" diseases. I find this fascinating as it seems that in our developed and developing countries people face problems such as obesity and heart attacks because of the way we have developed. What I mean by this is that with the introduction of fast food restaurants and transportation that requires less exercise people are more prone to "man-made" diseases. I thought this makes us question the reality of the affect of technology (or rather the way we choose to use technology). Personally, I believe that technology has benefitted our world greatly as now we have information at our fingertips. However, the way we use technology is sometimes wrong where we replace our basic needs with unhealthy alternatives (like food and exercise). Hence, I think if utilized correctly can benefit us immensely and these "man-made" diseases won't be a big problem.
Another important thing to note about the Healthcare Revolution is that third world countries, such as Africa, are still struggling with diseases that are easily taken care of in other countries. This shows the unequal distribution of told in our world as things that could be dealt with a simple vaccine at birth are not available to these third world countries. This results in early deaths and hard lives for these people.

The Video

Another aspect of class that made me think was the video of Microsoft's view on healthcare. The video showed what kinds of technologies could be available in healthcare. I thought this was good as the video depicted a world where certain mundane jobs would become obsolete and, thus, this would lead to an overall cheaper means of getting medicines and consultations for doctors. This is good as more people will be able to get treated. However, we must consider the other side of the coin where many people are displaced from there jobs. Even though this is appears to be a large problem I believe that with new things being introduced there will be new jobs on the market as well.

Presentation - Organ Transplants & Donors

One of the individual oral presentations in our class focused on organ transplants and organ donors. I thought this showed the affect of BioBusiness' pretty clearly. This shows how healthcare can be related heavily to business. People are selling organs because of the high demand for them. However, often these organs come from third world countries and the people "donating" them are forced into it. This illustrates the business aspect as well as the extent people will go for the money. I found it to be an interesting topic as it was an example of how far people will go to get money as some of these individuals willingly sell there organs while others threaten random people to give up there organs (e.g. via gunpoint).


The class was good in the sense we talked about things impacting our world now and the importance of technology in relation to them. I found the video particularly interesting as well as a number of the individual oral presentations.

Rating: 9/10

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

The Actual Real Outline - The Miracles of the Refrigerator & Refrigeration


So this is my final outline...for real! So please don't pay any notice to the two below. Sorry for the trouble.
Hope everything is in order.

Specific Innovation of Interest
The innovation of interest is the refrigerator. The reason for choosing this innovation is that it has impacted our world greatly as before the refrigerator storing food for a long period of time was difficult as well as bothersome. The paper will aim to illustrate the history of the fridge and how we have reached from the simple "ice box" to a fridge as well as the implications of the introduction of fridges (benefits and negatives).

Rationale for Selecting Innovation
How it has influenced the world already...Both positively and negatively
- Positive Affects:
+ Allows for long term storage of food
+ More economical --> food does not rot quickly
+ Can buy lots of things at once instead of things little by little
+ Practicality --> easy to find & store food in fridges as they are made with places for different foods
+ Can be bought somewhat easily (readily available)
+ Allows for many of our comforts nowadays --> cold drinks, iced drinks, ice cream, etc...
+ Allows for foods found in cold countries to be eaten in other places in the world (like fruits)
+ Less space required & less effort by people (cold food readily available inside house)
- Negative Affects:
+ Fridges are not environme
ntal --> contribution to global warming
+ Before they used products such as ammonia, methyl chloride & sulfur dioxide which led to death when said chemicals leaked (1920's)
+ We become reliant on appliances like these --> don't know how to do things the old fashioned way
+ Our supermarkets use the refrigeration process as well --> further reliance
+ We consume a lot of energy when using refrigerators as well as transporting foods from other countries that can be consumed in various places because of refrigeration (e.g. fruits)
+ More demand for meat as now can keep it longer --> higher contribution to damage to our earth

Executive Summary
- Discussion of what is to be discussed
- Define the refrigeration process
+ Process of cooling a space/substance below environmental temperature
- Explain the difference between the appliance refrigerator and the process of refrigeration
- As a whole, must say that the refrigerator has impacted our world in a beneficial way but in the future we don't know what kinds of affects long term use will have on our environment (and if it's logical to continue using fridges)

- Discuss Fridges and how they are many different types
- Discuss refrigeration as well -
-> use in supermarkets, trucks, etc...
+ Emphasize that we see it everywhere and that it is used in our everyday lives
- Reiterate the definition and give parameters for the paper
- First fridge officially introduced in 1850 but name give in 1803

Historical Perspective
- Prior to the introduction of the fridge we used to use things termed as ice houses
+ Originally invented in Persia
+ They were usually built underground. During the winter months ice/snow would be stored there and it would stay for most of the year.
+ Things like ice cream/sorbet would be made there & foods that required refrigeration would be stored there
- Also, things like milk/butter were often stored inside lakes/wells to keep them cool and ensure they would not melt
- Would often hear complaints of food being destroyed during warm months
+ Soon people learned methods to store food like meat for longer periods of time: salting, spicing, smoking, pickling + drying
+ Result is more work for
people and often less meat because these methods are not as affective as keeping things cool
- Prior to the introduction of refrigeration most supermarkets stored mainly dry foods
+ Meat was hard to come by --> people often had to find other means of getting meat...Common to have things like chickens in one's home
+ Once refrigeration was introduced common to find meat --> made life easier
- Eventually the refrigerator was introduced (the official inventor of the fridge is quite debatable)
+ At first used naturally occurring elements --> ammonia, carbon dioxide, propane & sulphur dioxide
+ Because of safety concern due to these elements being used refrigeration mainly used in big industries
+ "Safety refrigerants" CFC's introduced in 1930's made refrigeration a very popular method of storing food

Current Situation
- A fridge is one of the basic implementations within a household
- All supermarkets h

ave refrigeration that allows meat to be sold for longer periods of time
- Fridges are so easy to come by that we do not have to worry about storage of food anymore...People do not know the ways of storing food from before
- Many different types of fridges & a lot of options for us --> double door, one door, freezer on top, freezer on side, etc...

Future Considerations
- The fear that our refrigeration techniques consume too much energy and contribute to global warming
+ could perhaps go back to the old style of storing?
+ Or create fridges that are full circle as in the energy consumed is returned to the environment
- Possibility of fridges that can read our preferred tastes/foods....Pour our drinks for us, etc...
- An interesting outlook: "The fridge of the future will have a built-in computer and a display, and naturally it will have access to the Internet. The fridge will be complete with a scanner that records every item that is taken in or out of it. That way, the fridge's computer can kee
p track of what is in the fridge and automatically order the things that its owner wants to always have in the fridge.
If the scanner is sufficiently advanced, it can read the sell-by date and warn its owner if something in the fridge has passed its expiry date.
The door of the fridge will feature a display. The display can be used as a regular TV set or as a computer to send e-mails and surf on the Internet.
The display will provide recipes for dishes that can be made from what is in the fridge - and
offer good advise on nutritious and healthy diets. In case of malfunction, the fridge will itself send an e-mail to a repairman, and with a little luck, the repairman will be able to do an on-line test to determine the reason for the malfunction.
In addition, the fridge of the future is ultra effective. New means of insulation and new types of material mean that the fridge will have a very low energy consumption and will be virtually soundless." (
- Another interesting idea of the future fridge is a fridge that uses a gel-like storage system to limit energy consumption. The side picture shows an example of this fridge.

- Reiterate what has been discussed
- Highlight that overall affect is positive --> we can now store food for longer
- Emphasis that this technology along with many other appliances are contributing heavily towards global warming
+ results in more consumption as food is easier to store & more meat produced because can store longer (and higher demand)
+ The energy used to run refrigerators
- Possibilities for the future are endless







Monday, 19 September 2011

Lesson 5 - Communications Technology of Tomorrow

Lesson 5 focused on the theme:
1) ICT and World Change (Mass Media, the Internet, Wireless, Interactive Telecommunications) Past, Present and Future

Project Natal Milo Demo from E3

We started the lesson with a look into a video featuring a character named, Milo. I found this video particularly interesting as the woman, Claire, featured in it really appeared to connect with Milo on some emotional level. Milo was completely created though and, so, I found it a bit scary how he could be so much like a real boy. Project Natal emphasizes the growing possibilities in our very near future. It also reminds me of how fast technology has been growing in our generation. For example, I remember my mother's first handphone and how when she got it, it was considered a novelty. Now 7-year-olds own iPhones and Androids. Perhaps, something like project natal will become common in the future. I find that with the somewhat exponential growth of technology this is an extremely real possibility.

Areas of Technology Mentioned

In this lesson, we talked about a wide variety of technologies used in this day and age as well as there influences on society. The facets go from things such as mass media to cloud computing. Mass media has grown immensely through the years where before it was primarily based on word of mouth and eventually progressed to the newspaper. Now we have tools such as google to find information as well as twitter and Facebook where friends post articles of interest. This change in mass media allows for more interactive communication as now we are able to discuss our thoughts on topics. In my opinion, this has a both positive and negative side. The positive side is that we get a deeper insight on topics and gain more understanding. The negative side is that governments and other institutions of power will have harder time controlling the masses. Nowadays, anyone has the ability to post whatever they want. This connectivity could pose a problem in times of crisis (London riots) or when people feel discontent as they have a greater means to mobilize the masses.
Another interesting aspect is the idea that we now live in a completely open society. If someone wants to know more about you they can simply type your name on Google or add you on Facebook. It allows for information to be readily available about anyone and everything.

The Risks of ICT

In this class we also discussed the potential risks of using ICT. These include things ranging from espionage to identity theft. In our world, identity theft is a huge issue as with another's identity one can claim many things from a person. I find this somewhat frightening as we are in danger practically with everything we put on the internet. Espionage is another risk worth mentioning as now if someone wants to know more about a particular person it is much simpler from the initial search on Google to the hiring of a person to tail the other person in question. There are many potential risks of ICT and, so, we must be weary of them as well as aware of them.

Economic Consequences of the Diffusion of Cloud Computing

This particular article focuses on the Cloud Computing. Prior to this lesson I didn't know what cloud computing was and was surprised to learn that we have been using it for sometime with elearn as well as other school websites. The introduction and implementation of cloud computing in the work environment can make life much easier for the average worker. Workers will have the ability to have everything synched between different devices easily. Companies will no longer have to pay the large sums of money required for software/external organization systems. As a whole, I believe it will benefit the work and education environment quite a lot in the near future.

Friday, 16 September 2011

The Real Outline - Credit Cards


I'm sorry. I've decided to change my topic so this is my new outline...IGNORE THE OTHER OUTLINE, please! Thanks so much :)

Specific Innovation of Interest

- Discuss Credit cards --> how it has become a big thing & that we are dependent on it

- Timeline of credit cards

- Brief explanation of the uses of credit cards

Rationale for Selecting Innovation

How it has influenced the world already...Both positively and negatively

- Positive Affects:

+ Convenience: We can pay for things quickly/don't need to carry large amounts of cash and in terms of work can improve sales by accepting credit cards

+ Easy to use: Can use in most places plus just have to pay at the end of the month

+ Purchase are tracked automatically: so you know where you are spending money

+ Build good credit: With credit cards, if used properly, you can build a good credit and take out loans for houses, etc... easier

+ Safer to carry large sums of money around as password protected

+ No need to carry lots of money

- Negatived Affects:

+ Overspending: psychologically end up spending more money because feel like you aren't spending much

+ Debt: If you overspend than you won't be able to pay off entire bill and this money will accumulate fast and could, eventually, lead to poor credit

+ Interest build-up: happens when can't pay entire bill...Must pay more

+ Identity theft: people are able to steal identities from credit cards...This can happen if someone happens to steal your credit card.

Executive Summary (Abstract)

- Discussion of what is to be discussed

- Define credit cards + give a summary of the main affects of using it

+ mention people's dependence on it & how it is something nearly everyone uses

+ Emphasize that it is used throughout society

- Say that we can't conclude whether it is positive or negative as it's so integrated within our society that we don't even know if life would be better without credit cards....


- Discuss common uses of credit cards

- Explain the first reference to credit cards + when it was introduced:

+ First describe in 1887 in a book titled Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy. The book mentions the term "credit card" a total of 11 times --> at this time there was nothing in existence of this nature.

+ 1920's --> first used to sell fuel in US

+ 1938 --> other big companies began excepting credit cards

+ 1930-1950's --> Charge plates used in US....these are predecessors to the credit card....plates issued by fuel companies/department stores for use

+ After 1960 --> Credit card was widely used and, eventually, phenomenon spread across the world.

Historical Perspective

- Before charge plates there were charge coins

+ Mainly issued by department stores

+ Coin shaped aluminum/metal items that had a customers identification and helped them pay through credit

- Before 1920's --> cash & personal checks were used for payment

+ More unsafe & harder to obtain

Current Situation

- Easy to make large payments

- Harder to keep a budget as psychologically it feels like you're spending less

- Influence on society --> somewhat dependent on credit cards...

- Possibility of thinking less before making large payments --> just have to produce card as opposed to actual money/a check...less thinking involved

- Cases of identity theft --> dangerous for people!

Future Considerations

- We can already see that as time goes on the dependence on credit cards increases as well

- This dependence indicates that in future years society might be unhealthily dependent on a piece of plastic

- Might turn into a cashless society

+ From the barter system to money to cashless...

+ Might be for the better but could also be messy, unreliable and unsafe


- reiterate points that have been discussed

- Include that the invention holds both positive and negative drawbacks but it is thoroughly integrated into society

- Definite possibilities for the future of credit cards








Thursday, 8 September 2011

Outline - Social Networking and its Impact on Society

My Individual Topical Review Paper Outline :)
I hope that it is okay...

Specific Innovation of Interest
The innovation that I am interested in is social networking (Facebook, google+, etc...). In the paper, I will focus on FaceBook as the main social networking site with brief additional information about other social networking sites. The affects of social networking can already be seen amongst the younger generation and, now, also in the older generation. It can be said that this innovation will continue to affect our world whether positively or negatively.

Rationale for Selecting Innovation
How it has influenced the world already...Both positively and negatively
- Positive Affects:
+ We are now able to keep in touch with people who are miles away from us (strengthen relationships)
+ In a sense, we create our own "villages" where everyone on our Facebook page is somehow linked to us
+ We have the ability to be creatively expressive. We can post, essentially, whatever we want on our Facebook sites
+ People with common interests are brought together
+ "60 million Americans received help with major life issues" --> means that they get advice from people on Facebook
+ "59% of students with access to the internet report that they use social networking sites to discuss educational topics" --> beneficial for learning
+ Social networking allows people to remain informed on current issues --> e.g. people often learn about something through a posted article or an updated status
- Negative Affects:
+ People often end up spending more time in there online world than in reality
+ The issue of privacy --> we have become an open world where everything we do is known --> could potentially be dangerous (and there have been situations where it is dangerous)
+ Facebook and other sites have no way of knowing if people who have accounts are actually who they claim to be
+ Cyberbullying --> people are more confident when not face-to-face resulting in cases of cyber bullying
* 2009 --> 17.3% of Middle Schoolers have been said to be victims of cyber bullying
+ Hours of face-to-face interaction has decreased
+ Possibility of hacking, identity theft, etc...

Executive Summary
- Discussion of what is to be discussed
- Define what is social networking & gives the main affects of it nowadays
+ Briefly explain how people are often dependent on it and how it helps build large networked communities
+ Emphasize that it is still affecting our society in ways that cannot be seen yet --> social networking started with us so what about our kids?
- Discuss how with what is seen now we cannot say that the affect of social networking is either positive or negative

- Discuss Social Networking as a whole --> how it only became a big think during this generation
- Timeline of social networking --> e.g. first introduced to those who are in there 20's now
- Brief explanation of the different social networking sites
+ MySpace, Facebook, google+, Linkedin, etc...
+ Focus on Facebook as paper is meant to be centralized on Facebook

Historical Perspective
- Before we would often loose touch with people
- Small network of people
- Slower means of communication/knowing what everyone is up to
- People valued the times they had face-to-face communication with there loved ones
- It was not common for families to be separated for long periods of time
- Once you left your friends after high school to pursue education elsewhere it was rare for them to keep in touch

Current Situation
- Easy to keep in touch
- People build large networks of friends/contacts
- People are constantly on social networking sites
- Influence on school & work --> distraction by Facebook + other sites
- Lose of reality --> people often focus on Facebook sites rather than talk to those in front on them
- Privacy is no longer controlled --> we live in an era of open communication

Future Considerations
- Haven't gone through a full cycle with the introduction of social networking sites
+ Only started being commonly used around 10 years ago, thus, we do not know the affect it will have on our children
- Possible speculation:
+ Children who lack social/speaking skills in person as they are to used to the online world
+ Focus based on social networking rather than actual networking
- Emphasize that future implications are merely educated guesses

- Reiterate what has been discussed
- Highlight that overall affect is positive --> larger social networks/not loosing in touch
- Must be smart about how we use social networking sites as they can be beneficial or destructive to our lives

References (So Far...)



Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Lesson 4 - Change is inevitable

Yesterday's lesson focused on two main themes:
1) Drivers of World Change
2) Change Management & Change Leadership

Drivers of World Change

For this particularly part of class we discussed the factors that result in change. One factor I found important was competition. Human beings, from centuries ago, seem to have a basic need for competition amongst others. Within SMU itself we see the competitiveness for class participation marks. On a larger scale, competition has contributed to the success of many countries and the introduction of life-changing innovations. For example, android's competition with iPhone has led to more and better android phones being introduced to the consumer market. I think that competition is one of the main drivers of change as competitiveness is a strong feeling that contributes to many of our actions. This eventually led to a discussion between what has been evolutionary and what has been revolutionary. Evolutionary indicates slow change in our world while revolutionary change indicates sudden change. The most unique type of change we were introduced to was disruptive change. Disruptive change are changes that occur that become irreversible once introduced. I found this to be the most important as these changes are the ones that stay for long term. For example the introduction of computers was disruptive as now we cannot live without computers and it changed our way of living. We are more computer based than paper based now. There have been many disruptive changes in our world that I think have impacted our world in an extreme manner.

Social Media

One of the presentations for this theme was on social media and the changes that have occurred within it. I thought this was particularly interesting as it addressed situations that are going on now. The presenter explained the change in social media from before to now. She brought up interesting points like how it is easier for us to find information. We have tools such as wikipedia at our disposal. Before research was based on books and took a long time to find but now we merely have to Google our information or look it up on wikipedia. In a sense, it's easier for us to find information but at the same we have to practice being our own personal editors. This means that everything that's found online cannot always be trusted and so we have to be cautious in what we believe. As a whole, I think this change in social media is beneficial as we have knowledge at our fingertips and the issue of trust is not too serious as all information can be verified if one puts the time into it.

Change Management & Change Leadership

For this section of class we learnt the difference between leadership and management. Leadership is the part where a person creates a new innovation while management is the implementation done in order for the innovation to work. Both must co-exist with one another as without an idea one cannot proceed and without the implementation the idea is not acted out. In this part of the lesson we were also introduced to the difference between the Traditional and Modern model. The traditional is one where a companies ides/innovations are only reviewed once in awhile while the modern model focuses constant renewal and improvement throughout the year. In our world, the modern model is really the only means to survive. If one does not focus on the modern model they will definitely be left behind. An example that I thought characterized this well was by prof. He explained how kodak invented the first digital camera but refused to sell it because of the fear that there film business would die. This shows how if one does not follow the modern model they could experience some tough times.


I found that the video of the dancing guy illustrated the leadership idea quite well. It depicted a man who starts dancing crazily in a crowded area. He has the courage to start the movement but alone he is still just the crazy guy. He is only viewed as a leader once his followers join him. This made me think that what makes a leader is not only the idea but also the fact that they have followers. On a broader scale, Steve Jobs is viewed as a good leader because of the large scale of people following him and his product but if he didn't have all these people, most probably, he would be viewed as a poor leader. I thought the video illustrated the need for followers as well as leaders quite well. It demonstrates that not everyone has to be a leader and the followers are just as important.


Yesterday's lesson was packed with information and was a little overwhelming especially since we had just had TWC merely four days ago (Saturday) but I thought that the information was beneficial as a whole because it was both interesting and could be applied in real life. Hence, it was a good class overall but overwhelming.

rating: 9/10

Friday, 2 September 2011

Lesson 2 - Savages & Cloning

Lesson 2 consisted of two main topics:
1) Technology, Society and Global Dominance
2) Technology and Human Development

Technology, Society and Global Dominance

During this part of the lesson we learnt about "dominant" players in our world. We were given examples like apple creator Steve Jobs being a dominant player and android being a rising star. This concept made me think how fast our world changes now days. When I was a kid apple was known but not a dominant player at that point windows was known as the better (or more dominant) player. This example just goes to show that our world is extremely fast paced as what is a dominant player at this moment can be a falling star the next year. To go back to the example, right now the question is how long more apple can be a dominant player? With Steve Jobs out of the scene people wonder what the faith of apple will be. Will it become a falling star?

"There are many humorous things in the world; among them the white man's notion that he is less savage than other savages."
Mark Twain

Another interesting aspect of class is the article "The Colonial Holocaust and its Legacy" by Nafeez Mosaddeq Ahmed. It explores the affect of global dominance on colonialism. The quote emphasizes the need for dominance from early on in our world. It also shows the extreme lengths that people go through to be dominant. The quote also reminds me of a book I read last year titled Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. It focuses on the savage nature of man and how the need for dominance can eat them from within. It is set in Africa during the time of colonialism and the main character, Marlow, observes how the white men are more savage then the locals of Africa. The white men desire to be dominant and think themselves above others, however, they are only presentable on the outside but within they are merely savages.

Technology and Human Development

The second half of the lesson focused on the influence of technology on human life. There are many dimensions of human development such as sustainability. This is the idea that what we are introducing now should not limit future discoveries and should prompt further development. I found this facet particularly important as the world we live in now is constantly changing and progressing, so, we must think before we act to make sure the ideas we introduce now have a positive affect for our future.

Human Cloning

One of the presentations of this section focused on human cloning. I found this presentation particularly beneficial as it explored the possibilities for the future. Cloning shows the mark that technology has had on human development as before we had no ability to clone anything. The fact that a scientist was able to clone a sheep shows that we are only a few steps away from being able to clone people as a regular activity. This reminded me of the movie The Island. The movie shows a community of clones that have been made and raised in a control environment in order to help those who need replacement organs. They have the same emotions and thoughts as humans with the exception of them being produced in a laboratory. I think this movie emphasizes the emotional challenges associated with cloning and the implications it might have on our world. If we have the technology readily available and begin to clone humans on a regular basis what are the implications? Will the clones have thoughts and feelings like us? Is it an inhumane activity? I think these are all questions worth considering before beginning cloning or any other controversial activity.


As a whole, I found the class interesting and informative. It raised important issues and made me think of things at a deeper level. Although I did find it hard to consume all the information in the presentations as perhaps we were thrown a bit too much information.

rating: 8/10